Steampulp Wiki
Omar Shars
Home Porto Calvas
Gender male
Born 1517
Age in 1556 39
Languages Raumdari, Aveiran

Omar Shars, the vicious cutthroat, is the pirate king of Porto Calvas on the island of Tavaran. His aggressiveness and blunt manner make him an effective, if unloved, leader who rules Porto Calvas with a harsh, brutal efficiency. He is not a popular ruler by any means, but he is unarguably effective, and has brought the city a great deal of prosperity through his reign. The city has undoubtedly prospered in the six years of his rule.

In the year 1550, Shars led five ships and 200 men into Porto Calvas and seized the city, exiling the colonial government. His men are not trained soldiers but rogues and warriors with much enthusiasm, especially when the odds favor them strongly. Their experience and availability of weapons makes them fearsome against numerically inferior enemies.

Shars is responsible for the incorporation of three kinds of farms (hog, hemp, and alfalfa) into the city's economy to protect against poor harvests (as all three failing at once would be highly rare). Shars also oversaw the construction of the large stone pier that takes the place of a natural harbor, allowing Porto Calvas to service larger ships.
