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Kuts Baswadi
Kuts Baswadi
Home Durqand
Gender male
Born 1520
Age in 1556 36
Languages Raumdari

Kuts Baswadi is a man with two lives. In the broad light of day, he is a pottery dealer. Under cover of night, however, he becomes Baswadi the Slaver. Baswadi operates the heartless black market in Durqand that deals in "intelligent beasts," from children captured by darkspirited desert raiders to speciality items such as robotic servants and foreigners who are destined to be displayed as curiosities. He operates this business with the unofficial sanction of the Sultana's court. As long as two promises are kept, she will not interfere. First, Baswadi must keep the Sultana's own roster of slaves filled (including the harim of her sons). And second, Baswadi must strive to keep his work as quiet as possible. If proof of his activities were to reach the wrong ears, the Sultana would have no choice but to shut down his operation. Baswadi uses a number of methods to transport his product, including his own great vases.
